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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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broken Femur, whos done it

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Ok, so this is the first broken bone ive ever had.

Last week, monday night I hit the wall and broke my femur about three inches above the knee. Had surgery the next day with the doctor inserting a rod into the bone and then screwing it all togither. Im already bored because I can not do anything but physical therapy.

How long might it take before I can skate again, I know that this is a subjective question, but for anyone that has been throug it thoughts are helpfull.


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I broke the growth plate in my femur and tore my MCL on one hit 3 years ago. I was on crutches for around 4 months and I began skating around 2 months after I was off crutches, 6 months since my injury.

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My friend broke his femur a couple of years ago and didnt skate again for a year.

So dont hope to be skating again untill around May-June at the earliest if it was a bad break like it sounds like.

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Damn, i feel for you mate. The worst i've ever done is break fingers and toes (i've done my 4th finger on my left hand 4 times!) and that's painful enough. Hope you make a speedy recovery, breaking a bone isn't a nice experience.

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i broke mine and i started skating about 5 months later and played full contact again after about 11 months. i think mine healed fairly fast though because i was pretty young (7th grade). i'm sure the healing time is different for everyone and your break is probably different from mine.

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