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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Open Face versus Closed Face Curves

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Like they say, technique over pattern will go a much longer way. I've tried different curve patterns and find I do better with lesser curve or closed face... or whatever, not too good with these terms lol...I was using a Lindros P88 and that worked quite well, then switched to a Lecavalier in CCM and although it did go well, I wasn't as confortable with stick handling. Then I bought my first OPS which was a crappy Powertech with a very small closed curve.. was ok but didn't like the flex on the stick...It said 100 flex but felt more like a 70 in my mind. Then I finally bought a RBK P38 Datsyuk. The curve is a bit bigger than the P88 and to me looks like a neutral/closed face. It took me a bit to get used too but now I would not trade it for any other curve. I can shoot it high in a hurry, can shoot it low, stickhandling is good and the flex is perfect. I had to change the way I take my wrist shots though. With the P88 I would keep the puck as far away as possible from my body than pull the puck back in and shoot in one long motion. With the P38 I just couldn't do it that way anymore as I started shooting butterfly pucks lol... now I use a short quick wrist motion and it just goes flying.. woohoo... seems to have improved my play a bit. Now just waiting for a good deal to stock up on a few P38 sticks..

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I know it's a major no no to take a torch to a composite blade and bend it, but what about doing it to change the face angle?

Is that even possible? 'cause if it works, I would like to know...

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To get back on topic... I don't tend to turn my hand over when I shoot, so I like the more closed face. Kind of makes everything = because an open face tends to sail high due to my style.

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DavisP; Ville-

That's my custom.  7 lie and all full of wedge-y goodness.

it kinda looks like my 9-iron

I was thinking PW myself.

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