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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Fantasy Hockey Scoring Question

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I posted this topic in the Fantasy Forum, but I think that it's tucked away so well that no one can find it. Now then, I'm in a free Yahoo sports Fantasy Hockey league where scoring is done head-to-head, so each week you get a new opponent and the stats of your players are added up and compared. Now, my question is, why the hell is having more PIM a good thing? The guy I'm up against has 36 to my 18, yet it gives him the point for the catagory. Last time I checked, I could have sworn penalties were a bad thing...

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But why would points ever be positive? That's like rewarding bad behavior and promoting picking up goons.

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Gives a reason to pick up guys that can score points as well as get PIM's to balance things out..if all you have is scorers you'll never win the PIMs.. guys like sid with 100+ in both catagories are sweet ha :)

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Yeah it just adds an extra dimension of strategy to the game. Some guys totally ignore that category just like they do Game winning Goals or Short handed pts. It's up to you to decide if you want to draft dual threats on the pts/pim or get guys who are solely going to give you some big PIM. Just like you have to decide if a guy like Ovechkin is worth all those pts if his +/- has the potential to hurt you.

That's why Thornton was a popular #1 pick. He gets the pts, the PIM AND the +/- and powerplay pts because he plays on a good team. I picked Heatley first round who is SUPPOSED to do that as well but you can't even tell that he's even playing so far this year.

Our league included PIM. Nothing better than seeing one of your guys get in a fight and pickup 5 min.

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