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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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They keep saying it's tapered, and you keep wanting to go with the top of the line blade, which is in most cases, a tapered blade. With your Z-Bubble, you need the AK-27.

If you already ordered your 6k or Dolomite, you're in trouble, because it's not going to fit properly.

We keep telling you, 6k is tapered, Dolomite is tapered, and you keep wanting to get it.

Tapered doesn't fit in Z-Bubble. AK-27 is the best standard blade, I believe.

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i also hate the feel of wood but it is cheap

hate the feel of wood? that's not possible.

hearing so many people say that, makes me feel old... dammit

I miss the good ol' days, when that was your only option! haha... a nice Easton Eurocurve blade in your aluminum shaft for dekhockey, and you were all set

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Adding to the wood composite ttopic, Is there a big difference lets say between a wooden Sakic curve and a composite Sakic curve?

Composite will be more consistent blade to blade. The wood ones will be off a bit. All the Sakic blade I've seen have been relatively the same. Forsberg/Modano are completely different comp/wood.

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I've noticed that wood forsberg/modanos are less smooth than the composites, and most are also more open.

The same goes with the Sakic curve. The Composites have a smoother curve than the wooden ones. I use the Hybrid Composite Lami. The curve is a smooth mid-toe with plenty of loft, while the RB Pro has a more sharp, twisted mid-toe curve with less loft.

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