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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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wicked gloves

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do any of you guys have any suggestions for a cheap glove???under 60 bucks...that are loose fitting...i have the old mission H750 gloves...awsome and very loose like i like them....

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I tried on the Wicked 3's this last weekend and felt like I had a sandwich on the back of my hand, the fingers and the palm were very good though

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do any of you guys have any suggestions for a cheap glove???under 60 bucks...that are loose fitting...i have the old mission H750 gloves...awsome and very loose like i like them....

I would try the Tour H-10's. I just bought them and they are great! They are also only 55 bucks depending on where you get them.

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I'll second the Tours. Really nice glove for the price. They're a lot looser than my HE750s were, but I like that. I actually found the 750s to be a bit on the tight side.

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The piece on the back hand, offers protection against slashes, but is curved to allow maximum flexibilty. There really is not extra weight on the glove...It weighs approximately 10 grams more than our L7 and 20-25 grams more than the one90 glove

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Quite different from the original Wicked Lite ones, which were extremely loose and that I still like so much (3 fingers model). Never saw gloves so well ventilated and feeling so light.

Justin, any plans to offer looser / better ventilated gloves again ?

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