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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tape In Bulk

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If you have an LHS go to them and ask to buy a case, they will possibly give you a discount since your buying so much.

True. I usually give 25% off if someone wants to buy a case.

The big kicker on buying tape in bulk is the cost of shipping adds about .50 per roll. That tends to lessen the sweetness of the deal.

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If you have an LHS go to them and ask to buy a case, they will possibly give you a discount since your buying so much.

True. I usually give 25% off if someone wants to buy a case.

The big kicker on buying tape in bulk is the cost of shipping adds about .50 per roll. That tends to lessen the sweetness of the deal.


What brand white and clear do you carry? Would you consider 3/4 case clear and 1/4 case 1.5" white? What sort of price are we looking at? AND... Did you have both shops up and running now?



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Here is a quick review of each of the places:

sports 8m:

Sock tape isn't great quality, but if you buy in large quantities is the cheapest. They have different style of rolls compared to other places. Also nice if you want other things like water bottles, laces, pucks, etc


The web site is a bit ghetto, but I have never had a problem receiving my order. Tape is always good. Friction tape is average. Limited variety on their site. Nice that you can by individual rolls of various colours. Personally my favorite site. If you want to be really cheap, give them a call and they will send you seconds even cheaper than their web site.

Howie's Hockey world:

Just made my first order from them. Their tape is on the more expensive side so I will see if the quality comes through. I was able to paypal them and they made a custom order via a e-mail with next day response to e-mail. So far a smooth transaction.

Even on large orders, you are still going to pay between $1.50 to $2 for clear tape and around $2/roll for cloth/friction tape. I would recommend going down this path if you have friends that are willing to split on a case with you. Aside from that supporting your LHS is probably the better way to go.

Hope that helps


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