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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM V40 blades

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I am down to my last CCM V40 blade but I'm not completely happy with the curve. Can I heat it up and bend it like a regular wood blade? I'm asking because the blade is a mix of wood and Texalium (?) which looks like interwoven fibers. I'm worried I might just screw it up with I were to tinker with it before asking for opinions.


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should work but you cant really give it more curve then what it is now cuz its gonna break like a composite blade if you dont it curve it slowly.

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Tried heating a Thornton curve V20 blade once...Heard a cracking sound and there was a crease on the back part, in the middle of the blade...but it was still usable though..

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Tried heating a Thornton curve V20 blade once...Heard a cracking sound and there was a crease on the back part, in the middle of the blade...but it was still usable though..

That had to hurt a little. Glad it was still useable. Thanks for the heads up!

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