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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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chipped elbow...ouch :[

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i went out for sticktime a couple weeks ago and apparantly had a cockroach in my glove. i took a few shots, skated over to the bench to switch sticks, and felt something crawling on my arm. looking down, i saw a cockroach jump off me and start scurrying around on the ice. i was pretty startled, and i inadvertantly slammed my elbow against the boards, which was pretty painful. i killed the bastard afterwards btw.

anyways i can feel something moving around on the tip of my elbow, and it's been a bit painful whenever i rest my elbow on anything. not unbearable at all, but pretty damn annoying, especially when i remember the fact that it was caused by a damn bug.

if i went to the doctor, would they do anything helpful, or is this something that just takes a while to heal (or stop hurting) and i should just man up?

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actually while we're at it, i think i fractured my pinky finger too :[

that was 3+ months ago and i kept thinking it was just sprained and would get better, but it hasn't. any point in going to the doctor now? every time i've broken toes they just end up buddy-taped so i'm assuming that's all they'd tell me to do, eh?

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Guys in my flag football league break fingers from time to time. A teammate had to have his rebroken after playing out the last few games with it broken. Two pins in his finger later and we wound up missing 8 weeks because of it.

My friend chipped his elbow a while ago. Had to have a screw inserted. Go to the doctor. Good luck.

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i would definately go to the doctor. you dont want to risk your elbow healing incorrectly and having things have to be re-broken. i would say if its bad enough you may get a cast.

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anyways i can feel something moving around on the tip of my elbow, and it's been a bit painful whenever i rest my elbow on anything

You may have just damaged the bursar sac on your elbow. I did this in high school, and it felt just like how you've described it. Given your multiple injuries, you should probably go see a doctor.

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actually while we're at it, i think i fractured my pinky finger too :[

that was 3+ months ago and i kept thinking it was just sprained and would get better, but it hasn't. any point in going to the doctor now? every time i've broken toes they just end up buddy-taped so i'm assuming that's all they'd tell me to do, eh?

ive broken/sprained seven fingers, and when i sprained my pinkie i could move it for 7 weeks. Breaking/fracturing a finger is a quicker heal than spraining it, at least in my experience. You should see a doctor still with the elbow

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