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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Synergy II

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Does it really perform exactly like an OPS Synergy?

Or do you think an Ultra Lite or Z-Bubble would be a better bang for the buck?

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Yes it really gives that signature extra kick of an ops when paired with a good tapered blade. As usual going shaft gives you the choice to try different curves. IMHO superior to standard shafts I have used

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well, i have both. i have a synergy II w/ synergy II blade and a Z-bubble grip with a vector 110 blade. personal i though the z-bubble was one of the best sticks i used, and is. but the synergy II is a great stick and i love it. its got a great feel to it and i would buy another if i could. so you should try the synergy II if you want to try it cuz it is a good stick. but i wouldnt complain about the z-bubble just that its too short for me

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i have a synthesis and it feels just like an ops. i use a hybrid blade and for both together i got them for about 55$. it is my favorite stick ever. i honestly would say a closeout synthesis is your best bang for your buck. but id reccomend the synergy 2 over the z-bubble.

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Anyone know about the CCM V8.0?

This is tapered so it should also emulate an OPS correct?

I have always used Easton Composite sticks, but when I used wood I had CCM Tacks 652 and they were by far the best wood stick I have ever used.

I am wondering if CCMs quality carriers over to their carbon/graphite sticks.

Or the RBK 6.0

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the 8.0 is a nice stick and you are correct in assuming that it will act like a OPS. Go to your LHS and check out a 8.0 OPS, that will give you a really good idea about the shaft/blade combo.

As far as rbks, I'm not a fan... Don't know why but the only one that I like the "feel" of is the sickick, but I'm not sure how the retail will match up with the pro version.

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Alright, I heard the SII is basically a 2 piece SL. If thats true I may be ordering one. Its a tough choice because this is it! I will be able to buy one stick for the next long while (a car is next on the list) The Stealth and ST are on my OPS list, and the SII and Dolomite are on my 2p list. The only worry I have about the OPS is that if it breaks and damages some shaft, I would have in the end been better off buying the SII or Dolo!

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