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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Lightspeed Installation

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So i just got my lightspeed holders to mount on to my Graf G3s. Now i previously had Custom + installed on my Grafs, but holder started to crack so i'm going to get these put on. Is there anything i should expect, like complications in the lining up of the LS's compared to the Custom +. Now i still have steel i barely used from my XXXs and figured i'd be able to use that instead of buying new steel right? I just bought the LS holder. Did i or do i need to buy any special hardware to hold the blade in or anything or should they be able to do it at the shop? I'm taking them in tonight and going to leave them, so i just want to make sure i have everything before i send them in. Thanks alot guys.

PS- Yes i did search, but came up with nothing that answers all my questions.

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There will be a line up issue the shop guys will have to deal with, as you have the orig cobra holes, the Tuuk+ holes and now some new LS holes. Lots of holes means lots of potential for the holder to shift after a while and cause bend in the steel. Hopefully your shop can do it right. They should have the proper rivets. Make sure you mount the steel from your Vapors on the holders before they mount the holders.

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