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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Low cut boot causing ankle tendonitis?

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First off I have Mission S500s and the boot is cut alot lower than my previous custom lite 1052s. Last week I started experiencing a burning pain a couple inches above my left ankle. I have a bump right along my tendon down the side of my leg above the ankle. At first I couldnt figure out was was causing this but then I laced my skates up and the top of the boot is at the exact same problem spot on my ankle. I have been hobbling around for the last week, I even skipped my adult league game hoping it would be better after a week off the ice but it hasnt got any better. Anyone have any experience with this? This is SO frustrating. My ankle is extremely tender to the touch, I find it waking me at night when I lay the wrong way.

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I seem to recall something like that when I started wearing my Pure Fly's. It goes away after you wear some of the stiffness out of them.

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