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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Has anyone put a Synergy II blade in a Dolomite Shaft

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As the title says has anyone put a Synergy II blade in a Dolomite Shaft. I was going to get the synergy II combo from epuck but they didn't have it so I settled with the dolomite shaft. I was just wondering how that stick performs.

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I just put a Synergy II blade on my son's Dolomite last night. After 2 Warrior blades in 3 months (9 year-old) I was less than impressed. He has not had it on the ice yet, but I can tell you that I had to heat up the shaft quite a bit to get the blade in. It's got a bigger hosel. Also, Easton's connect lower than the Warrior's, so you may need to plug it.

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