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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. The V-hex blade looks nice. I might try it in my Dolomite shaft.
  2. helmet: rbk 8k w/ ccm chrome cage shoulder pads: synergy 500 elbow pads: bauer vapor thg gloves: bauer vapor XXX pants: rbk 6k shin pads: ccm 652 skates: bauer vapor XXX w/ t-blades sticks: mission pulse 65 flex rafalski curve sherwood broken vapor XXX-lite 67 flex stealth 50 flex iginla curve vapor XX 52 flex p106 curve (i really dont know what the sherwood is all its says is sherwood down the side and it is all silver.)
  3. u better get a back stick up man :lol: which one do you use
  4. Helmet: 8k Cage: chrome ccm Shoulder: nike V-14 Gloves: Easton synergy 900 Shin: CCM 662 elbow: jofa pants: rbk 6k skates: Bauer Vapor XXX w/ t-blades sticks: vapor XXX-lite, stealth shock doctor jock and mouth gaurd
  5. No one has mentioned the cup. Those are the coolest.
  6. Thanks JR Why are there no int. non-grip stealths? what is the difference between the 300 and the 350? edit** Now I see the 350 is grip and the 300 is non-grip
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