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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tacki-mac in Toronto

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Do they have all models available? And do you remember how much they go for?

Thanks alot.

I bet you that most of them carry it. I know for sure the one in Markham does but they only had a handful left. The guy I talked to said they had lots and sold them all really quickly, so they only had a few styles left -all black for instance. I think they were either $7.99 or $8.99.

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Do they have all models available? And do you remember how much they go for?

Thanks alot.

I bet you that most of them carry it. I know for sure the one in Markham does but they only had a handful left. The guy I talked to said they had lots and sold them all really quickly, so they only had a few styles left -all black for instance. I think they were either $7.99 or $8.99.

Roadrunner, I haven't been specifically to the National on hwy 7 (I don't know how I managed to miss one...lol) but I've been in 6 different National Sports stores this month and they all have them - several Source for Sports stores have them too. They had lots of stock initially but there must have been a pent up demand in Toronto, because they've gone pretty quickly... we've suddenly gone from virtually no one carrying them to virtually everyone carrying them. My guess is LHS's in Toronto read MSH and finally ordered them. They've sold so well everywhere I'm sure they'll be re-stocking.

The best price is at National Sports.

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its a great store eh. which kind did you pick up

i got the 7" wrapped small knob one in white... i already went throught one though, wasnt too happy about that because i only used it for 2 skates. I phoned tackimac up and explained what happened and they sent me out another one. Great customer service

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