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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Without reading the whole thread I have something to add.

When I was a kid up in Chicago my neighbors did something similar but on a much more planned scale. He went and bought a couple hundred railroad ties (the big square blocks of wood between the rails) and stacked those about 3 high. He got about half a normal size rink out of it. Then he ordered a custom microline film to put down so that the ton of water he filled it with didn't damage his yard. It was a phenomenal surface, much better than some ice rinks. He even got a little zam to put on the hose and drag around as well as putting up lights and my father made the goals. We played out there day and night.....it was great!

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I thought I would keep you guys up to date on my rink that i'am making.

It doesn't look like much now but I promise you when i'am done this is going to be a beauty.

I have been putting the sprinkler out there and letting it get the snow nice and hard and once that is done I will begin to flood with a hose.

I have been doing this for 3 days now and I hope the rink to be done in about 2 weeks or so.

Post your comments and show some love.

Thanks Guys





warm water, not to hot but somewhat warm.

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