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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bad mounting?

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I just got a pair of Graf Ultra G5's from ebay that came with LS2 power holders on them. The left skate feels fine but the right skates outside edge feels sharper the the other edges. I had my LHS even them out but they still feel a little weird! Is it from a bad mounting? If so how do I tell or is it from me being used to the Cobras? Keep in mind that I grew up on Baures. I feel like its a problem with the mounting but I don't know how to tell.

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Could be the steel "blade lean" not properly seated in the holder, bad skate boot - not sewn correctly from the factory? Could be alot of things.

I would suggest, find your local expert and have them evaluate the skate.

Good Luck... hope things workout.

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As far as I can tell everything "looks" fine. All I am going by is how it felt when I was skating. It felt better after I skated for a while but it still was not quite "right". When I had my LHS sharpen them I asked them to check the mounting. When he gave me back my skates he did not say anything. The guy i got the skates from said he had one of the Devils equipment guys do the mounting. I am hoping that all would be well after a few sharpenings.

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Sounds like the sharpening was not done correctly, or that the initial hollow was not established. Have you put a straight edge on the right skate runner to see if it's bent? That's the other likely cause, other than bad sharpening.

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