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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate fitting problem

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So the past two pair of skates have caused me nothing but trouble. When i was fitted for skates two years ago, i was given the choice either Vapor XX's or graf G3's. I went with the grafs, but noticed a problem after playing with them for awhile. My big toe was scraping against the plastic toe cap because my feet were to wide for them. That being said i switched to a pair of vapor xxx's recently but am now running into a problem with them aswell. The toe area is perfect, but im getting a blister on my right heel. I know that this usually means that the skate is too big but im in a 9d and if i go to a 8.5d my feet will be too cramped. My left foot is perfect in the vapors that i have now, but i was wondering if there is anything i can do to help get rid of this. I went to my Lhs and they said that i would either have to go with the one90's or get custom vapor xxx's. Should i try out the one90's or just look for a different skate. I need help!!


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I can't give you any advice, but I can tell you that I had a similar situation with my old XXX's. Thanks to the info that all of the guys here have provided (thanks JR), I am finally in skates that fit me perfectly. I have a very narrow heel but a fairly normal sized forefoot. Long story short...I ordered custom XXX's and wish I had ordered custom skates sooner.

Good luck.

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ermm...you can't make the heel on the vapors narrower. you can make the toe cap on the grafs wider.

if you still had the skates, even if you didn't send em in, you could just have a pro shop heat the toe cap up a bit and punch it out. probably not great for durability and protection, but i did it on a pair of eastons and they felt a lot better, and i didn't have any problems.

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Graf has so many options for different feet.I believe the G5 Ultra has a narrow heel and a fairly wide toe.Do you have the option of trying on several models? I am far from an expert,but I think it is possible to find a skate that works for you.I am also a big beleiver in sticking with the closest model that has worked for you in the past(like with running shoes).Not always an easy option with skates as the new technology replaces what worked for us in the past.

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