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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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skate blade getting soft?

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i have been having to get my skates sharpened a lot more than i like lately, because i keep losing an edge in the same spot on my left skate. could this be because the steel is getting soft? if so how do i fix it?

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i have been having to get my skates sharpened a lot more than i like lately, because i keep losing an edge in the same spot on my left skate. could this be because the steel is getting soft? if so how do i fix it?

If steel is overheated whan sharpened, the temper is changed and the steel will not hold an edge very well. Sometimes you can grind below the damaged area and sometimes you cant, depends how bad it was overheated.

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