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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The New Easton Wicked Synergy 1's ("wickergy")

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good question....

my wicked 1's were sz 11D

-Proto V were sz11D

wickeds seemed too large, but the proto v were perfect

Bauer supreme 30 are 10D and feel a TAD bit large

Easton 1500c are 10R and feel ABSOLUTELY perfect.

my shoe size is 11 or 11 1/2 depending on the manufacturer

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SWEET skate!! I just got a pair of rbk 9k SE and just did conversion will post pic up soon.

WTF!! you got ANOTHER pair of skates! :blink:

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L0L i was seriously starting to doubt the wickergy skate existed after it took so long to put those picks up...

I apologize, great pics! :-)

That Vanguard chassis must be a size large since you use 10+ right?

***Edit- looks like the chassis say's "m" <- medium?-***

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Damn expensive skates, and you say you play better in the $100 bauers which are 10x cheaper.. hmmm... How bout I give you $100 bucks for the wickergys and we call it even? I help you game, you help me.. heh :rolleyes:

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