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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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S500 sizing question

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I want to pick up a pair of S500's on closeout but I can't find my size. Right now I've got a pair of 11.5D S500's and I can only find 11's online. The 11.5's fit well, my right big toe feathers the cap on the right skate, no contact on my left(a snug fit though). Will the 1/2 size drop be too much? Thanks

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On my right foot I have 1/4 inch directly in front of my big toe, and a 1/2 inch from the tip of the insole to my toes. Standing straight up my toes make contact with the toecap but with knee bend there's no(or very little) contact.

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On my right foot I have 1/4 inch directly in front of my big toe, and a 1/2 inch from the tip of the insole to my toes. Standing straight up my toes make contact with the toecap but with knee bend there's no(or very little) contact.

If you have that much room at the end of the insole your toes shouldn't be touching the toecap.

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that measurement was taken sitting down with my heel all the way back to try to simulate my heel being "kicked back" in the skate. Bottom line, I have 1/4 inch or less room on the insole, would i be a fool to buy a $200 plus skate blind? Do you know how long a half size actually translates to?

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