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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Labeda wheel hardness

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Hey guys, I was wondering what the hardness rating was for the Labeda Dynasty Pro soft wheels are. I've been using the dynasties for awhile and wanted to try one of the rink rats. I used the red hot shots once before and thought I got too much grip. I'm 5-10 and 180 pounds. I play on sport court surfaces. I was wondering what your take on a proper wheel would be.

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you got to much grip? :P i'm sure a lot of people here would want to have that problem. you just need to relearn how to stop on RR but trust me stay with them cause they are the best

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If you thought the red 76A Hotshots gave you too much grip you could try the orange 78A ones or even the silver 80A's. I'm around your weight and use the silver ones on sportcourt.

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