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PS3 20GB vs 60GB model? Differences?

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I bought a PS3 for my nephew on Sunday. Very lucky. I didn't wait in line or anything. I was at Target looking at a digitial camera for the wife and the clerk open the video game display cabinet and put the PS3 in there. I knew my nephew wanted one and I also knew they were in high demand so I bought it.

Knowing nothing about the PS3 other than it is new, I didn't know there were two models (20GB vs 60GB). My nephew says he wants the 60GB model. So what is the difference besides the size of the hard drive? Is that the only difference? Do you really need 60GB of storage? I thought you just played the games off the disc?

Sorry for the ignorance. Knowledgable with computers and electronics...just don't play videos games all that often.

If the 20GB really isn't going to work for him...I guess I will just return it. Or put it on e-bay! ;-)

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on gamestop.com they used to have a side by side comparison of the 2 models. i am at school, so i can not check to see if it is still there, but im pretty sure it is

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My nephew says he wants the 60GB model. So what is the difference besides the size of the hard drive? Is that the only difference? Do you really need 60GB of storage? I thought you just played the games off the disc?

It has a 60gb harddrive, built in wi-fi, and memory card slots/readers. 60gb isnt needed right now, but it could be useful later on. Game saves are stored directly on the harddrive, you can download free demos(500+mb), copy music/pictures/videos to it, or even run the linux operating system off the hdd.

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Interesting. Didn't know about the wifi. That feature would be pretty nice.

Thanks for the tip about gamestop.com also...I will check that out.


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