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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Dare to Dream 1980

What is the best trick blade or handling

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What i mean by this is- what blade easiest picks up the puck and wraps in the net ( Sydney Crosby did it when he was in juniors ) ive tried using a drury blade but only got it once and i tried a tucker but once again only got it once. I know i can do the move but i want a blade that can do it alsmot every time. Does it have to be like almost straight im guessing like a Forseberg or Iginla?

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are you talking about the michigan? where you swoop the puck up with your blade?

if so, i can easily do it with sakic, or with any stick if it has dry tape or a little stick wax. i think it really depends on how much yu practice the move

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Practice makes perfect, but I perfected it with the Iginla. I used the sakic, Drury, and lidstrom and I can do it, but I found it easiest with the Iginla. Sticky (sex) wax or friction tape can help you learn as well.

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