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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vector Pro vs Vector 10.0

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Currently sitting in a 7.5 vector pro size, and wondering if there is any size difference between the pro and the 10.0 or fit difference for that matter.

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Currently sitting in a 7.5 vector pro size, and wondering if there is any size difference between the pro and the 10.0 or fit difference for that matter.

Vector 10s seem to be just a c... hair longer. i.e Vector Pros in 7,5 are Eur. 41 and Vector 10s in 7,5 are eur. 42. I tried on both and the 7,5 Vector pro is smaller. It has a better heel grip though, almost like Bauer Supremes.

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thanks for that, so how much in cm's do the vectors drop in length between sizes, im looking at 7.5E's 7.25E's and 7.0E's.

Im currently skating in Vector pro 8E's and on the footbed, from the tip of the wear pattern there is 1-1.25cm on my right root and, 1cm on my left.

Im having alot of trouble with this because im from australia. The fitting process has been a nightmare. And no one can give me a hard and fast answer.

There is basically no one i can go to, to get a proper fitting, and without being one of those annoying internet people i know the majority of you despise, can someone please help me?

I just need to know how much shorter/more narrow the skates get per size. Then im all set to order, im pretty happy with the fit of the vector and dont need any customs options.

I would like to thank JR for his help so far, its been fantastic, his time is much appreciated, especially considering he is so busy.

IF its remotely helpful, here is a photo of my footbed wear pattern, you can see my toe marks there, and there an 8E, how much smaller do i need to go to move those toe marks up?


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