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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Wheel sizes

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I know this has been discussed and my search still left me puzzled. I play a little roller recreationally. I have Bauer Mega 30-50 skates and need new wheels, but do not know the size. I am not big into roller hockey and pay no where near enough attention to it as ice. Are all wheels supposed to be the same size or do I need to buy different sizes? I am under the impression that the fronts are smaller and backs are bigger or vice versa. The writing has worn off on the wheels and the websites do not list them. Any help would be appreciated. There are a size 10 if that helps.

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That skate comes with the One-Up chassis so it comes out of the box with a 72mm wheel in the first and second slots, an 80mm wheel in the 3rd slot, and a 78mm wheel in the 4th slot. Your choices of wheels in 78mm are pretty limited. You can run another 80mm wheel in the 4th slot with no problems, but you would lose that slight rear rocker. So your options are 72-72-80-78 or 72-72-80-80.

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