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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Converting XXX or oNe90s to roller ?

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I've converted Vapor XX with a sensor chassis and most recently, Bauer One70's with a Labeda Cateye Hummr chassis. No problems on either. I will try to post pics when I have more time.

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Some have said that XXXs cannot be converted, due to the way the outsole is constructed. Still, I've seen pics from members on here, and they said they haven't had any problems with them.

edit: Holy crap, rob, I just realized it was you. this is pete.

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I've converted Vapor XX with a sensor chassis and most recently, Bauer One70's with a Labeda Cateye Hummr chassis. No problems on either. I will try to post pics when I have more time.

Have ypu make`s the Photos from your Skates ???

Which size is it ??? i search a pear of Vapor XX In 12EE

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