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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Lg vx8600

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I just left cingular and I had a w810 and it was very easy to make my own ringtones. When I switched to verizon and got the vcast music pack its easy to upload my music but the phone wont let me set the song as my ringtone from the music player it has to be from the ringtone folder. Any ideas on what I could do?

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you need to buy ringtones from verizon. I can use audio files on my Razr, but my sister can't do it on her LG V. From what I can tell, it's built into the software to keep ringtones separate from other audio files. There may be a way to do it via hacking the phone, I'd try google for a forum or site that is dedicated to this sort of thing.

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if you have a usb cable download bitpim. also if you search ringtones on download.com theres alot of programs but none of them are free... bitpim is.

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This is a guide for the LG Chocolate through Telus, but should be the same for a Verizon phone.

If you want to cut up MP3's for ringtones I recommend the program Audacity, it's very easy to use and free on cnet.

OK so as promised here we go..

This guide is intended for people that create their own ringtones from material in which they own the rights to.

These instructions are as simple as they come!

you will need the following programs and drivers

- BitPim http://bitpim.org/ (i am using version 09.07)

- USB driver foujnd here - http://www.humpa.com/vzw/ (select LG-VX8500 Chocolate Drivers - these came with the MEK Music Essentials Kit - Chocolate USB Drivers)

Make sure you install the USB modem driver first before connecting phone to computer!

1. Open the FILE SYSTEM by clicking on the folder next to the window with FILE SYSTEM listed in it.


2. Once expanded look for the folder named "BREW" click on it


3. Look for a folder under the BREW directory named "16452" click on it

4. Then click on "MDS" and drag and drop all MP3's into the window to the right that you want to use as ringtones. (keep in mind to keep a bitrate of 192kbps for quality sound on the mp3)


5. Once you have the mp3s loaded, click on the "send data to phone" button in the upper left corner of the window.

6. A new window will pop up, check mark "RINGTONES" and click on OK


7. The phone will then make a short dial noise and pop up a new larger window with a bunch of information, click on "OK" at the bottom.


6. DISCONECT the phone and POWERCYCLE!. You now have all the MP3's loaded on the phone and are able to select them as ringtones


For those that do not have a transflash card here is how you load wallpapers

Instead of clicking on the MDS folder in step 4 click on MP and drag and drop all wallpapers in this window. keep in mind that the screen size is around 240x275. and then follow steps 5 to 7 (same process as the mp3's)


Good luck and ENJOY your new RINGTONES

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