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Broncos Darrent Williams Killed in Shooting

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i live about 45 minutes from denver and i was shocked when i heard this. i've been following news and just watched the police department's news conference and apparently there was some sort of altercation but no motives or suspects yet. it's hoorible.

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I was speaking about this with my mother this morning, who is staying with us after spending nearly a year-and-a-half in Geneva with my sister. She said the difference between the cultures, with regards to violence, was noticeable. Americans are just too prone to escalate an issue.

I've read Williams might have been involved in an altercation at the bar earlier, which leads me to wonder what the hell could anyone said to another person that makes the second person thinks, "I need to cap his ass!"??? Think about it. What could someone tell you that would make you even THINK that the only way to get even is to kill the other person? The only thing I can think of is if someone told you there were going to leave the bar and immediately drive over to your house to violate your family.

Something is off with a subset of our society when they will lie in wait to ambush someone over some argument at a bar.

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Denver Post is reporting that its probably gang related. Sounds like he was hanging with the wrong people that night even though he was not part of their "organization."

Truth is starting to come out.

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