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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Anyone from Denver have stick and puck or like drop in? I'm in Littleton, well Ive been here for two days and I'm staying for another two days and I can go to a rink to play. I'm checking out South Suburban now but I think their only rat is Thursdays at 11:30.

Anyone help?


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Depending where you are in Littleton, there are three arena within about 10-12 minutes. Foothills Ice Arena has drop ins at 11:30 on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, while I've heard players mention morning drop-ins at Family Sports, but I never go there since it's one of the further rinks from my house. You could also call over to The Edge at Foothills to see when they have drop ins.

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I know you probably won't want to go this far out of the way but BVIce in Superior (about 30 minutes away) has a ton of drop-ins and stick and pucks. there site is www.bvice.com

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