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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer Vapor XX or XXX

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Happy new Year to oll users :)

My Questian is it:

is it better, to convert a Vapor XX or XXX in 12 EE ???and Has one of you a converted skate (xx or XXX)?? and can send me Photos from This skate`s ?? and has this to sell ?? :(

Thanks :rolleyes:

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I'll just add what has been said on this board many times. Get a roller hockey specific boot. The Bauer boots are not durable enough for roller

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I converted my XX nearly 4 years ago now and they are absolutly fine. I would keep them but there getting to small for me now.

A friend got the XXX converted and found that the carbon baseplate was coming away from the boot. But thats just one person. Mite be fine for you.

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I'll just add what has been said on this board many times. Get a roller hockey specific boot. The Bauer boots are not durable enough for roller

This is Not True.

We've been mounting NBH boots for 1 1/2 years now and they're all still out there doing a great job and holding up great.

A lot of our travel samples that we take to tournaments are NBH and most of them get 30-40 hours of use a week at our rink. And none of them have broken down at all. And they still look good too.

To be specific, we've mounted 15-20 pairs of Flexlites, probably same number of Vapors from XVs through XXXs, and the 170s I'm skating on right now.


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I'll just add what has been said on this board many times. Get a roller hockey specific boot. The Bauer boots are not durable enough for roller

This is Not True.

We've been mounting NBH boots for 1 1/2 years now and they're all still out there doing a great job and holding up great.

A lot of our travel samples that we take to tournaments are NBH and most of them get 30-40 hours of use a week at our rink. And none of them have broken down at all. And they still look good too.

To be specific, we've mounted 15-20 pairs of Flexlites, probably same number of Vapors from XVs through XXXs, and the 170s I'm skating on right now.


I said before in the Sprung thread that I think Sprungs are the best alternative for ice boots since the frame flexes to mimic the curve of an ice blade rather than a four on the floor frame forcing the boot to do all the flexing. Mission and Tour both utilize very visible flex points in their boots to compensate for the difference and consequently design the boot very differently to take the additional stress from it so you don't tear the soles off of the boot that has been so prevalent in ice to inline conversions.

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