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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Graf to Nike Sizing

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Hey I was wondering if anyone can offer someinsight to this question. I am size 8.5 in grafs and was wondering what size I would be in nike flexlite 10? Also I fit in about 8.5 CCM 852s right now

Thanks in advance

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You may be able to fit into an 8 in the Nike because you'll have a lot more toe space than you would in a Graf or CCM. But don't take this as scripture. Your best bet is to get to a local hockey shop who sells Nikes and try on a pair between 7.5 to 8.5 and get the pair that fits you the most comfortably taking in consideration they will loosen up a bit after you've had them on for a few games. Nikes are generally a skate used by players who have wider feet and need extra toe area to accomodate those puppies. I used to own a pair of Nikes a few years back and found them not to be too bad a quality skate and they are a little more reasonable pricewise than a lot of the other top end brands. I found them a bit of a sloppy fit in the toe area but they performed very well on the ice. Don't have a lot of bad things to say about them quality wise in fact my son still uses the ones I had for pickup nearly three years after and they are holding up very admirably.

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definately try them on at a store, but if you cant:

i wear .5 smaller in nikes then in ccms and about a size smaller then grafs. honestly, i think it really depends on your foot shape weather you will fit itnto certain sizes in nike

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