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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate advice Graf 625's to Easton 800c / 1200c

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I've got a pair of Graf 625's but am looking to get into a pair of Easton Synergy 1200c or 800c skates. There are a few reasons. One, I can get a really good price on them right now. Two, I bought the Grafs used. And although they fit and are great skates. They are a 6.5 e but in the Easton I wear an 8d (sounds strange but that's what it is). What this translates into is the blades on the Eastons are a lot longer. I'm assuming this means maybe a little more speed and stability. Am I right on this? Concerning protection, does anyone have an experience with these two skates? Are they comparable protection wise? Thanks!

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You should not be wearing an 8 in Easton if you wear a 6.5 in Graf. Usually you wear a smaller size in Easton than you do in Graf. I just can't see any way where those sizes both fit.

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"They are a 6.5 e but in the Easton I wear an 8d (sounds strange but that's what it is)"

have you tried a 7e in easton?

i wear smaller in easton then in grafs, but thats the way i fit into skates.

i dont know if the longer blade will give you more speed. the skate doesnt make the player, but if you prefer longer blades these may help you perform better

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Concerning the sizing, I've found the same thing with goalie skates. I've been able to wear a friends 7e ccm652's ((without my toes touching the ends) but my skates are a bauer 7000 8 d width. The Bauers fit so much better on my feet and a smaller size Bauer is too small. Yeah, I know it sounds very strange but it is what it is. I know the skate doesn't make the player, but a better fitting skate helps. And don't the physics apply here that a longer blade will glide faster than a shorter blade. Although, I know radiusing will effect this. Also, as the Grafs have proven to be fairly protective would the Easton's at least be comparable?

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I had 8.5 R in grafs and now have the 800c's in size 8.5 theyre both snuggly fitting. I would say they are very similar in size if not exactly the same

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Every model of Graf fits a different way.

For protection the 800c is great. It is composite so it is very tough. It's lacking protection in the tongue, though. Can't compare to the Grafs, we don't deal them.

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