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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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replace a chasis or convert from ice to roller

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okay, this might be a dumb question and i did a search and nothing came back.

I need direction as to how to switch of the chasis on a pair of tacks to roller chasis. Also were i can get the stuff to do it and what to lock for. I dont have a lhs to go to.

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I just sent a pair of boots out to have a new chassis mounted on them. (the nearest shop to me is about 60 miles away and they're remodeling)

That may be an option. If you'd like info on where I sent them, PM me.

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for the learning how, Sprungster has put together some good general guidelines for the Sprung frames that could easily mod into any frame. There are a few schools of thought on which hardware to use, but the T-Nut method seems to be the best hardware to use since the T-Nut heads aren't small enough to pull through a boot sole. I've also used snap-off bolts before that come about 6 inches long and you run them through your drill holes, tighten down a washer and lock nut and snap off the excess.

The best bet is to find a pair or two of cheap (as cheap as possible) skates and try it out with a little direction from instructions like these. Once you've done it a few times it all comes together and makes it much easier to do. A good hardware store is a must too.

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