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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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1st skate sharpening on new skates.

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First skate sharpening

My Graf G3s arrived today (UPS), when I sharpened them for the first time. Do I want to have them profiled or can I should I just ask for the 3/8th hollow.

Would I want ask them to profile them a cretin way?

Does it take special equipment to profile?

On a side note; when I bake them at home, after I heat them up and before I put them on my feet to cool, do I want to put the superfeet in the skate?

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My guess would to be bake them with the superfeet in because you normally bake a skate with the footbed in, at least thats been my experiences with baking skates, you should be fine with just getting them 3/8th hollowed, but if your coming off of skates other than grafs chances are the radius is different and you could perhaps have them radius them to the same specs as your old skates.

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First skate sharpening

My Graf G3s arrived today (UPS), when I sharpened them for the first time. Do I want to have them profiled or can I should I just ask for the 3/8th hollow.

Would I want ask them to profile them a cretin way?

Does it take special equipment to profile?

On a side note; when I bake them at home, after I heat them up and before I put them on my feet to cool, do I want to put the superfeet in the skate?

First off how do they fit and feel with the superfeet in them just over all feeling.

Secondly put them on the sheet with the superfeet in them but dont forget go under the time and do it 2 or 3 times instead of leaving in to long.

I would start on a half inch first even if your used to 3/8ths. Not sure about where you are but its been pretty mild and we havent even bothered to go sharper for the weather because its been so warm....

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First off how do they fit and feel with the superfeet in them just over all feeling.

Secondly put them on the sheet with the superfeet in them but dont forget go under the time and do it 2 or 3 times instead of leaving in to long.

I would start on a half inch first even if your used to 3/8ths. Not sure about where you are but its been pretty mild and we havent even bothered to go sharper for the weather because its been so warm....

will do...

another follow up knop question...

Do I remove the footbed of the skate and replace it with the superfeet or do the supefeet go on top of the footbed?

I do not get home till tomorrow so I'll know then how they feel.

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