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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Going from t-blades to steel

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My first pair of skates that i bought 8 months ago to learn how to skate were the vector 130 zg's that come with t-blades(basically a vector pro boot with t-blades). These are all i know how to skate on and have no reference to a regular steel blade. So a week ago i get robbed and along with many other things they steal my skates only 2 days before a game. I ended up getting the ccm pro tacks which come with a regular steel blade which i assumed might feel a little different but not much. I had the guy cut a 1\2" hollow which is what i was using on the t-blades. That night at the game was the first time i skated on them and for the life of me i COULD NOT STOP without biting it. When i'd try a hockey stop the blades would just grab the ice and flip me over. I thought maybe they put a really sharp hollow on there but i took them back the next day and they were a 1/2" cut.

so my question is to other t-blade users that have hopped back on to steel blades did you have trouble stopping? or anything else? I felt like i just learned how to skate that game...coasting and hitting people.

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I felt that when I switched Lightspeeds they were very similar to the way t'blades felt but on the CCM holders not so much.

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I haven't switched back from t'blades but, based on my memory of going from conventional to t'blades, I'd suggest standing slightly more upright. It might make it easier to catch your edges properly.

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I have used T Blades once for a public skate, and I took'm off right away (I was borrowing skates, and had to get another pair to borrow). I found I couldnt grab the ice at all, so what I'm thinking from this is if I couldnt grab the ice with T Blades I think I would have to push off harder, so for you to help stopping I think you might need to, try not to dig into the ice as much.

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