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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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XXX vs. 1500c sizing

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I know there have been some topics in the past about the comparison between the XXX and the 1500c's, but I cant seem to find what I'm looking for. I'm having ankle problem with the 1500c's, and thinking about buying the XXX.

I tried both skates on including the One90's, and the fit of 7.0D in the XXX felt good as did the 7.5R in the 1500c's. Right away when trying on the listed two skates, I could tell the 1500's were a lower cut boot.

I previously had some Easton Z-Air's that fit great. Then I went to a 8090 size 7.0D and they fit good, but had a little too much volume in the boot for me. I currently have the 1500c, and like the fit of the boot, but I am having problems with the top two eyelits giving me lace bit on the front of my ankle.

I found out I might be able to warranty the 1500c's and am thinking of returning and trying out the XXX????? The problem is, not sure if I will likly have problems with XXX also. Seems like so many people have the XXX and are happy with the fit.

I know some people say the fit is totally different on the 1500c vs. XXX. ??????????????????????? Not sure what to do!

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I had the same problem you're having, but in the opposite order. I liked my XXX's tried 1500c's had lace bit problems and went back to my XXX's which I LOVE! I wore a 10.5 D in both skates so fit should be about the same.

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