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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Another one90 thread this time SIZE question

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Hello All

I live and play hockey in the UK and would like some help regarding skate fitting.

I was wondering if it possible for anyone to give a recommendation of the size of skate suited for me. I currently wear a US9D Bauer Supreme 5000 which is about 3 years old and they fit perfectly. I am interested in buying a pair of Bauer one90 as I would like to stay with Bauer but I am not sure what size to buy as I have read that fitting for these skates is different from the old Bauer range (more narrow)

I have tried a pair of Bauer one90’s in an US8.5EE as these were the only pair the shop had as these skates are hard to obtain here in the UK. I would of liked to of tried a size 8 in a D and EE to see the difference in size and width to see which one would fit best and obtain the correct size for me, this explains my question.

Do I need a size 8 or 8.5? and can I go for a D (like my old pair)or EE like the pair I tried on???????

Many Thanks



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Can the 0ne90 be heated in a home oven to help accomodate sizing?

when you're spending $600+ (USD), do you really want to toss them on a cookie sheet??

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That still doen't answer my question folks, any ideas as I've phoned the shops here in the UK and they are as good as a chocolate fireguard.

Any help would be good r.e question at the top


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Your question was answered as well as it could be, considering the syntax you put it in. Be more specific as to what you need regarding the size.

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I'm not an expert on the One90's but when I went back home last month and went the the LHS to try on skates I told them I was currently wearing 7.5D Bauer 8000. They had me try on 7.0D One90's and the fit was pretty close.

Hope this helps,


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