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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Fitting ls2 steel into Tuuk holder

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This is really bugging me! I bought some 263 solid ls2 steel to go in my new XXX Tuuks (263 also). One of the pieces of steel is fitting in, but the other side just will not seat right.

Had to have someone push down on toe with steel in, and then try to tighten fish hook as toe was being pushed down. Problem now is it looks like one of my pieces of steel still isnt seating all the way in compared to the other.

Also noticed that there is a slight arch in the middle of the Tuuk, where the steel runs, beneith the arch of the foot. My LHS guy worked with me trying to fit steel, and he said I needed to skate on the new steel and skates to get the steel to seat right. He thought the steel would seat in the middle of the Tuuk after some skating.

After thinking about it for a while, I think maybe the nut is on too tight causing the plastic Tuuk to arch up in the middle!?! But then I looked and noticed the front of the steel where it meets the Tuuk are not quite even with each other. This is killing me guys, what do you think I should do? Sorry of the long post.

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Yes, there's been problems with them fitting. The part pf the blade that hooks into the holder needs to be ground out a little. Have your LHS do it on their sharpener. We do it all the time.

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