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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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UPS Today?

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Does UPS Deliver today? I'm awaiting a package here at the rink, if it's not gonna come today, I don't have to keep an eye out for the truck.

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Does UPS Deliver today? I'm awaiting a package here at the rink, if it's not gonna come today, I don't have to keep an eye out for the truck.

Probably not...I know when Buzz was sending me sticks...they were closed for Fords funeral...so I'd assume that Martin Luther King Day is a day off for them.

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here's my answer...

Days of Operation

UPS 2006 Holiday Schedule

In the United States, UPS observes the following holidays:

New Year's Eve - December 31, 2005*

New Year´s Day - January 1, 2006**

Memorial Day - May 29, 2006***

Independence Day - July 4, 2006***

Labor Day - September 4, 2006***

Thanksgiving Day - November 23, 2006***

Day after Thanksgiving - November 24, 2006****

Christmas Day - December 25, 2006***

New Year´s Eve - December 31, 2006***

New Year's Day - January 1, 2007***

In addition, the following holidays are recognized, but not observed:

Martin Luther King Jr. Day - January 16, 2006

Lincoln's Birthday - February 12, 2006

Valentine's Day - February 14, 2006

President's Day - February 20, 2006

Washington's Birthday - February 22, 2006

Ash Wednesday - March 1, 2006

St. Patrick's Day - March 17, 2006

Passover - April 13, 2006

Good Friday - April 14, 2006

Flag Day - June 14, 2006

Rosh Hashanah - September 23, 2006

Yom Kippur - October 2, 2006

Columbus Day - October 9, 2006

Veteran's Day - November 11, 2006

Hanukkah - December 16, 2006

Christmas Eve - December 24, 2006

Saturday+ and Sunday are rest days.

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