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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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question for a knowledgable rule people.

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Thanks for clearing that up. I guess the refs around here are pretty lenient with that call as I've only been called for it once.

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Putting the stick under your arm would be holding the stick, and his hook may have him just trying to get it back. If i go up the boards i will generally control the stick with one hand and use the other arm to block his stick, without grabbing it, which happens to be perfectly legal.

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overall, good refs, i was just mad we lost by a goal & the questionable calls. like the guy who high stuck me causing stitches only getting 2 minutes. there were a little over 3 mins left. a 4 minute call would've given us a 6 on 4 when we pulled the goalie.

There is no 4 minute option for a high stick. 2, 5 or 5 and game.

i could be way off but i always thaught i could be 2 min. for the high stick and if it there was blood they could add 2 more, i could be wrong though.

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I looked it up not that long ago. From what I remember Chadd is right, and there is no option for a double minor. I also don't recall a minscounduct.

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I looked it up not that long ago. From what I remember Chadd is right, and there is no option for a double minor. I also don't recall a minscounduct.

I believe the misconduct was added as a 2006 addendum to the rules, it may have been for inline only though.

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overall, good refs, i was just mad we lost by a goal & the questionable calls. like the guy who high stuck me causing stitches only getting 2 minutes. there were a little over 3 mins left. a 4 minute call would've given us a 6 on 4 when we pulled the goalie.

There is no 4 minute option for a high stick. 2, 5 or 5 and game.

i could be way off but i always thaught i could be 2 min. for the high stick and if it there was blood they could add 2 more, i could be wrong though.

NHL rules are not the same as USAH rules. If the referee determines there is an injury (blood alone is not enough), it is a 5 and game. That is the only option for a penalty that causes an injury. A high stick that draws blood can be 2, 5 or 5 and game. It just depends on the situation.

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NHL rules are not the same as USAH rules. If the referee determines there is an injury (blood alone is not enough), it is a 5 and game. That is the only option for a penalty that causes an injury. A high stick that draws blood can be 2, 5 or 5 and game. It just depends on the situation.

The game I recall. The 2+10 I now recall is the in-house adaptation our local non-USAIL rink uses as an option so as not to give a game, depending on intent. This particular rink also does some other weird things. They used to be USAIL so between USAIL rules, the rinks rules, and USA rules I sometimes am mixed up as to the minutes. If some of these type infraction arise when I'm reff'ing we end up having a conference, 'cause I'm not the only ref not able to keep track of the local Inline rink knee jerk rule changes. :angry:

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