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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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deep leg bruise

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I got a hard leg check on me and i got a charlie horse a week ago and iced alot ever since. It seems lik ethe ice doesnt do ne thing. I t was fine the first two days, then it got very swelled up, the the swelling went down and now it kills. I have trouble sleeping at night. I skated yesterday and it was spaming and out of control. My question is hasd ne one had this problem nad since it has been a week should i start heatring and stop iccing.

I kno wu guys arent doctors but watever.

thanks alot

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Actually I am a doctor (ER). Most likely you had a hematoma(bleeding internally) in the muscle bed. Most of the blood is probably absorbed by now but there is damage that will take upto 4 weeks to resolve completely.

Generally speaking you want to ice the injury for the first 48 hours and then switch to heat. The heat relaxes the muscle and improves blood supply,thus bring the healing "nutrients" needed to that area.

Remember to spend extra time SLOWLY stretching that muscle before you plan, and yes playing does re-aggrivate to injury thus requiring the repaet ice treatment.

Also anti-inflammatories(Advil, etc) also help both decrease pain and reduce inflammation in the muscle. Hope this helps. :D

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thnaks alot

i dotn really notice any bumps in my thigh area but when it swelled up there seemed to be a fluid build up that went down to my knee. now my knee ehurts

thanks alot

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There is a herbal remedy called Arnica that you can rub on the skin over the bruise, and it is supposed to reduce the swelling.

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They blood/bleeding accumulates inside or around the muscle compartment therfore it appears as swelling not as "bumps on the skin. The reason it moved toward the knee is that like all things the clot is affected by graivity. Similar to when you get hit in the eye with a punch...first there is swelling all the way around the eye and then in a couple of days gravity has pulled the swelling (blood) to the lower part of the eye giving you that great "shiner". ;)

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