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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Digging the Bionic glove, Phantom, but speaking from personal experience, you might want to get in touch with Dr. Smith about a blocker. It'll weigh about, let's say, half of what your Sr. Bionic does! :)

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Not to mention has a proper sidewall! :) I'm debating now if I'm going to get a set of gloves or have him do a whole set (including pads) for me later this year. I'm glad I had a demo catcher sent out last fall to try - surprisingly not unlike the Bionic, which is by far my favorite glove. Pete's getting a lot more of my business, right now it's just a matter of how much and when.

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Interesting... that's not the first time I've heard a Bionic-devotee say complimentary things about a Smith glove.

Apparently, the Boddam Liberator is almost a stitch-for-stitch copy of the Bionic - great news, considering TPS' perilous position right now, and their total unwillingness to make Bionics for anyone who isn't under NHL contract.

That said, I'm not letting go of my Int. Bionic until it falls apart around my hand.

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An LHS near me has pro spec Bionics. I believe they are SMU's, and are like crossovers between Bionic ans Summit.

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Interesting... that's not the first time I've heard a Bionic-devotee say complimentary things about a Smith glove.

Apparently, the Boddam Liberator is almost a stitch-for-stitch copy of the Bionic - great news, considering TPS' perilous position right now, and their total unwillingness to make Bionics for anyone who isn't under NHL contract.

That said, I'm not letting go of my Int. Bionic until it falls apart around my hand.

I found the break on the Smith slightly different than the Bionic, but it wasn't at all dramatic. I can't stand any other brand of glove, but the Smith was one I could definitely see myself transitioning to without much trouble at all. Very comfortable, well balanced, and again the break was very similar. My Int. Bionic is staying around until it falls apart too, and even then it's probably getting a place of honor on my wall. But for me, the Smith is probably the next best thing, especially since getting a new Bionic won't happen. Which is too bad, really. One would think that TPS would take advantage of that and offer it to those willing to pay for it. Oh well.

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They were always very much development-driven. That was a great thing in one sense, giving Wilcox & co. lots of time and money to improve the gear; in another sense, it meant that they were always turning over models rather than just honing. The Velocity really hasn't changed as a pad in a decade; TPS went through the Bionic, the Summit and now the R-series which are all pretty different beasts.

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well here is what i have

C\A=an old eddy protector

Pants=Itech HP 4.8

Catcher and Blocker=Itech 3.8 Profile

Pads=Itech 3.8 Profile

Helmet=Itech 1200 Junior model (my head is kinda small :) )

stick=Sherwood something or other :)

that's my equipment it's kinda cheap but that's ok i am looking to up grade sometime soon so if y'all have some Itech stuff that you are looking to get rid of send me a message.

I will try to get some pics up soon

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I dont think id ever stray away from my bionic, I cant find a better glove than that right now. Why did TPS change there gloves so much after that if they were so successful?

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From Goalie Heaven or The Crease?

I'm guessing the former, based on the lighting and the carpet - which is a little sad that I'm THAT familiar with those stores...

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From Goalie Heaven or The Crease?

I'm guessing the former, based on the lighting and the carpet - which is a little sad that I'm THAT familiar with those stores...

its from goalie heaven. you got it right on

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Sweet Eagles, Grant.

Though I'm strictly a blue/white/silver guy for the moment, I've always had great affection for orange gear. I very nearly cracked and bought a complete set of NHL-spec original VK5's (Dave Agatone's build) in full Creamsicle orange on a whim - those bastards even had an orange Sportmask T3 sitting on the shelf above.

The only thing that keeps me from buying new gear is the constant tweaking of what I already have. I just completely re-built the thigh-rises and upper strapping of my Supremes, and it's a revelation. Every time I think I have the perfect custom set designed, I see something else to add.

Actually, it's exactly like my game. Just when I'm in a good place, someone spots a new technique and I start monkeying around with it like a wrench in the gears.

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