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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tape or Strap?

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I have two pairs of shin gaurds since I cant stand wet ones.

One has straps and the other doenst so I have to use tape.

I think the ones with tape hold better, but it is a waste of money when you couldve bought shin gaurds with straps.

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I have two pairs of shin gaurds since I cant stand wet ones.

One has straps and the other doenst so I have to use tape.

I think the ones with tape hold better, but it is a waste of money when you couldve bought shin gaurds with straps.

I think the question is more about the preference using velcro straps or tape outside the socks...not to hold the pads themselves...or maybe I'm mis-reading it.

My Shins have straps...but still tape on the outside.

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I think the question is more about the preference using velcro straps or tape outside the socks...not the hold the pads themselves...or maybe I'm mis-reading it.

I think your right.

I would prefer straps. Saves money.

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got some old neoprene knee sleeves (non hockey related) that i've had for a couple of years. They are now a little too loose to give any real support to the knee. Slipped them over the shin pads and they make everything super snug... no need to tape/strap up anything!

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Is there a way you could wear your shinpads over your skates with shin-tights? Is it possible to just pull them over your tounge?

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What about laces? For all practices and pickup i will always use laces and they work great. Saves on tape and it stays nice and tight. But i don't reccomend them in games because you then become a target on the ice for wearing laces. :P

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I use all 3: shin sleeves, 1 strap under my knee, then tape over my hockey socks. All of this due to my bad knees.

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I use the straps on the bottom but right underneath the knee I used a wrap or two of tape. Helps keep the pads from moving around when taking shots or slashes.

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My Vapor 6 (or is it 8?) pads have a "Tape Groove" right below the knee. One wrap of clear tape and they are solid.

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I have Jofa 9040 with a strap on the top. I use that to hold the shin in place lightly while I put socks and skates on, then I use tape to hold them tight and to keep them from shifting. So in a long winded answer to your question, I prefer tape to hold them snug.

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