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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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v-12 holder problem

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when i shake either of my feet in my v-12s wich have been skated in 3 times, they make a weird rattling noise in the holder. it seems like the screw inside is loose. this happened on my last pair of v-12s so i took the light speeds off and put on t-blades. i really like the feel of the holders and the steel on them and i feel like i can skate better.

does anyone have any help for me in fixing the loose screws?

where do i drill a hole in the sole to get inside to get the screw tighter?

will this even help? or should i just skate with the clicky noise?

thanks in advance-


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Yeah, mine did that too, I always thought it was just loose epoxy or something that fell into the holder when I had my T-Blades drilled in, but I wouldnt worry about it

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Under the insole, there is a hole. Use a socket wrench type thing and tighten it. I dont know how to explain the wrench you use. They normally come loosened stock (Or at least with my stock ls2 holders they have)

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