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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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G3 vs. G5 Foot Type

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I know that Graf's website says that the G5 is for "wider, deeper fitting in-steps" but what does this actually mean ? Higher arches ? When I went into the pro shop they fitted me with some tool that measured the top of my foot/ankle and said that the G5 is better for me. I have a medium arch and somewhat narrow feet (currently in XX's). Comments ? Is G3 more suited for my foot type ?

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People with thicker feet need a deeper skate.

True cause they give more ankle support, my old Nike's didn't have any ankle support and they weren't as deep as my current Graf's.

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People with thicker feet need a deeper skate.

True cause they give more ankle support, my old Nike's didn't have any ankle support and they weren't as deep as my current Graf's.

IMHO "deeper" does not mean that they are higher-cut at the ankles. I have 705s and they are not high in the ankle area at all.

Me thinks "deep" rather refers to the height of the "sidewalls" of the mid and front part of the skate.

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