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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Fitting Question

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Hey guys and gals. I have a question.

I have always wanted to try Grafs, but was concerned that considering their price, it was a huge financial commitment in case they weren't what I had hoped.

Now, I wear Nike 7EE Flexlite 10s. The fit is fine. When I stand up straight, my toes touch the front of the skate, so I figure I can probably go up a half size or maybe even a full size. I can get a pair of Graf G5 8 Wides with the LS2 holder on them for 250. So, my question is this, how do Grafs size compare to Nikes? That is, is a 7 Nike a 7 Graf? If so, is it advisable to go up a full size?

Now, you are probably asking, why don't I go try a pair on at my LHS? The answer is this, I am in sales and I HATE when a customer uses me for my knowledge and then buys elsewhere, so I am loathe to do that to another salesperson.

Any advice/comments would be greatly appreciated.



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Why not go try a pair on at your LHS, and then actually buy them from there rather than ordering them elsewhere?

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Why not go try a pair on at your LHS, and then actually buy them from there rather than ordering them elsewhere?

What he said. Unfortunately, when surfing in 'uncharted territories' such as switching brands, you're just better off paying the extra $50-75 to get the right fit/skate. Think about some of the things you get free, too, by buying locally - baking (if applicable), sharpening (a lot of places even throw in a few extra free), and just KNOWING it's the right one for you. I have been burned a couple of times estimating and ultimately the skate wasn't right for me. I would have been way better off if I could have gotten them locally (now, I live in Dallas so it's not like there are a ton of hockey stores nor that they carry a real wide line so I may still get stuck buying on the net), BUT, if that's not an issue for you (and I don't know if it is or isn't) then I recommend buying locally. Skates are too particular a fit to make a best guess - especially if $$ is tight.

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I bought my son a pair of Vector 7.5's online for 135.00. Shipping added about 12.00, sharpening (initial) 8.00, molding 20.00.

In the end I think I could have bought a pair from them for an extra $10 and gotten a better fit.

Go to your LHS unless they don't have the selection or service. It's worth more than the markup, don't learn this the hard way like me.

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