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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission Fuels stretching

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Friend of mine recently purchased some Fuel 110 AGs. After baking them and several skates, he noticed that they were no longer a snug fit in lengthwise.

Can anyone else else share this type of experience (or debunk it). I am looking at Fuel 110 XP but am wary after this story. Any experience with THAT skate would be helpful as well.

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Could it be that his ankles didn't lock fully into the skate until after break in? Missions have always seemed to have a lot of padding in the ankle, and that may be why. Did your friend bake them when he got them? Chadd?

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Could it be that his ankles didn't lock fully into the skate until after break in? Missions have always seemed to have a lot of padding in the ankle, and that may be why. Did your friend bake them when he got them? Chadd?

The ankles on the 110 AG are way too deep for most people, fortunately they fixed that in the new 120 AG. The 110 AGs have a number of flaws and I would just suggest skipping them and waiting for the 120s as they appear to be a very nice skate. I only had them on for a few minutes but I couldn't anything to complain about, so you know they have to be a major improvement. ;)

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