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SICK Ovechkin visor!

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Don't know if anybody has heard about it but I think it's awesome. As you know there's been a lot stink about Alex Ovechkin and that mirrored visor he wore for a little while, but he's unveiling a sick new visor at the all-star game. Ovechkin is the man and I can't wait to see it.....it's supposed to be the sickest visor ever. There were reporters who saw him wear it at practice and said it looked really cool. Here is an article I found from the washington post.

New Visor for Ovechkin

The most talked about piece of equipment in the NHL got some more attention this morning at Scotiabank Place.

Alex Ovechkin tried out a new visor, much like the mirrored one he wore to much fanfare as a rookie. It was tinted, but had an blue iridium coating. (Think Oakley sunglasses.) Unfortunately, I'm reporter and not a photographer, but take my word for it, this visor was way cool.

It's unclear whether he'll be permitted to wear it tonight against the Senators - the league's general managers voted 29-1 against the flashy visor last spring, but no rule was ever passed officially outlawing them. So, technically, he could wear it anyway.

If he doesn't wear it tonight, however, the star winger will debut it in the All-Star Game later this month.

Eric Derepentigny, the hockey program manager for Oakley, brought about a half dozen variations of mirrored visors for Ovechkin try. The 21-year-old Russian immediately reached for the blue iridium one.

"It's me," Ovechkin said after the skate.

Going to look like this


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Is it me or wouldn't this fog like a shit stir in summer? I was under the impression this sort of thing hadn't been tried before as ventilation is poor already little though if we are closing in the gap between the nose and visor itself. Still I do think it is a good concept, allot of guys have injured their noses taking a sharp blow right to the center of the visor.

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Is it me or wouldn't this fog like a shit stir in summer? I was under the impression this sort of thing hadn't been tried before as ventilation is poor already little though if we are closing in the gap between the nose and visor itself. Still I do think it is a good concept, allot of guys have injured their noses taking a sharp blow right to the center of the visor.

Thats not the actual visor, Thats a lens off of a pair of sunglasses.

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