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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Are CCM E Blade Holders similar to Tuuks?

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I know that all the newer Tuuk models have their nuances but of all the other blade holders out there, these two look the most alike.

While we're at this if anyone wants to chime in about the similarities and or differences of any other holders, I’d welcome those comments.

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I guess they look similar, but they don't play similar, I found that the E-Pros were nice but they didn't feel as solid to me, The E-pro's also had the blades come loose more often, however I might be going back to them as it seems my light speeds have gone soft.

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I got E Pros put on my CCM 652s to replace the terrible stock holders that snapped. They're very solid, durable, and the runners have not come loose at all after a year+ of usage.

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which one does hold the edge more longer?

holders have no impact on this.

The holder itself has no impact on this, but the steel used in the holders does. That said, I don't know how they compare to one another.

And the tuuks(custom+) will put you more on your heels than the e pro.

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