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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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vapor xxx skates runner/blade

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Hi everyone,

I checked the runners on my vapor size 9.5D and they are 288 mm.

My previous skates the vapor xx were 280mm in the same size?

Has anyone else notice a change in runner/blade length?



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I don't think that they made a change. Both of my 8.5D's were 272mm. One being a XX and the other a XXX. I now have One90's in the same size with a 272mm as well.

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I don't think that they made a change. Both of my 8.5D's were 272mm. One being a XX and the other a XXX. I now have One90's in the same size with a 272mm as well.

Maybe I'm mis-reading, but, I thought one90s were supposed to have longer runners all together?

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the holder/runner design of the LS2P gives a longer runner, but it retains its mm designation. For example, a 272mm LS2P is longer than a 272 mm LS2.

The actual length of the runner rarely matches up to its "size". I'm not sure what the mm size refers to, but I'd assume it's more about the amount of space the holder takes up on the outsole of the boot.

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